30 Awesome Pictures of Lightning Storms

It’s been raining around here for about 3 days, and though the stupid, boring drizzle rain (what we’re having right now) get’s really old, storms are awesome. Lightning, Thunder, Wind and we’ll quit right there with the examples before it sounds like we’re trying to call Captain Planet.

Since about all you can do on a rainy day is browse the internet we did just that. And came up with some fairly awesome pictures of lightning storms. Enjoy!


Awesome Pictures of Lightning Storms

50 Of The Most Unique Darth Vader Representations

Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker; the Republic’s Only Hope; Luke’s Father; the Emperor’s Apprentice; and One of the Most Recognizable Characters in all of Pop Culture.

Darth Vader made us appreciate the power of the force, and gave us reason to cheer on the good guys. He made us sad when we saw how he came to be, and angry at how people pretend to be him at Halloween.

Darth Vader is an icon. And it’s apparent by the massive amounts of toys, posters, art, figurines, videos, and more that people make/build/design of him. However, some people get it all wrong.

Some are cute, some are funny, some are cool, and some are just plain wrong. In no particular order, here’s the The 50 Most Unique Representations Of Darth Vader to show how much the world “appreciates” and “respects” him. Enjoy!


1. Giant Darth Vader Inflatable – The coolest bouncy castle in the world.

2. Darth Vader Mug – Darth takes his coffee black.

3. Darth Vader USB Port – Every Sith Lord should have one on his PC.

4. Darth Vader Back Pack – The best part is the kid’s hat, it reads “Comic Images Security.”

5. Darth Vader from Family Guy – Nothing is more depressing then seeing the guy who killed Obi Wan working as a meter maid.

6. Darth Vader Mosaic – Art at it’s finest.

7. Darth Vader Flashlight – Use the force… and by force, we mean that flashlight.

8. Darth Vader Dog – This actually looks like a cross between Vader and Yoda.

9. Darth Vader Clock – If you look close enough, you can see one of these in that medical ball Vader uses as a bedroom.

10. Darth Vader Cuff Links – Perfect for weddings, proms, and business meetings.

11. Darth Vader Watch – What time is it? Time to turn to the dark side.

12. Darth Vader Flash Drive – Perfect for use with your Vader USB Port.

13. Darth Vader “Sith Happens” – Truer words have never been spoken.

14. Darth Vader Botanical Garden – Little known fact, Vader loves to garden.

15. Darth Vader Duckie – Vader Duckie you’re the one, that makes bath time so much fun.

16. Darth Vader Painting – Depiction of Vader conquering Europe in the 1700’s.

17. Darth Vader Pez – The best part, it dispenses little X-Wing candies… nah, we’re kidding.

18. Darth Vader Burger King Mascot – Advertising inflatable from Burger King, does anyone else think his hands look like the Swedish Chef’s?

19. Darth Vader Laptop – For controlling the Death Star from home… also for downloading porn.

20. Darth Vader Transformer – Vadertron is watching you download porn on your Vader Laptop 2000.

21. Darth Vader Hologram Bobble Head – Better than the regular bobble head, it’s blue!

22. Darth Vader Slippers – It gets cold on the Death Star, these go perfect with a warm cup of cocoa.

23. Darth Vader Steampunk – With a lightsaber made of steam and a monocle?

24. Darth Vader Girly Edition – Scrapped from the original film…

25. Darth Vader “Who’s Your Daddy?” – Standard issue garb in the Death Star’s Orphanage.

26. Darth Vader Step Art – Art on a step… only question is what building approved this?

27. Darth Vader Stackable Art – Looks kinda like a Darth themed Chia head.

28. Darth Vader Nutcracker – Your mom would love this sitting on her mantle, trust us.

29. Darth Vader Samurai – Badass is it not?

30. Darth Vader Lego Man – Star of Lego Star Wars, where was this playset when we were kids?!?!

31. Darth Vader built from Legos – Once again, where was this playset when we were kids?!?!

32. Darth Vader Cupcakes – Made for some lucky kid’s birthday party… just kidding, he was 32!

33. Darth Vader Bear Hybrid – Canadians love two things, polar bears and Vader… this is the freak child of both loves.

34. Darth Tater – The single greatest potato themed toy ever.

35. Darth Vader Gargoyle – Very real and from the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

36. Darth Vader Ornament – Christmas themed Vader, once again… remember your mom this holiday season.

37. Darth Vader Fridge Magnet – Vader is fine… but that Tigger looks like he has a belly ache.

39. Darth Vader Fiddler – Swing your partner round and round… wait, WTF?!?! Vader playing a fiddle?

40. Darth Vader Butter Statue – Mmmmm. Butter.

41. Darth Vader Battles A Unicorn – Epic.

42. Darth Vader Surfer – Let’s go surfing now, every Vader’s learning how…

43. Darth Vader Builds A SnowDeathStar – The cutest thing you’ll see this Christmas.

44. Darth Vader Sand Sculpture – Umm… why is Yoda sitting on his lap? And why is he using R2D2 to rest his arm? And why does he have a blanket over his legs? So many questions…

45. Darth Vader Pumpkin – The sad thing is, this will eventually rot away… such a loss.

46. Darth Vader Lamp – Perfect to read your “Chicken Soup for the Sith Soul” book by.

47. Darth vader/Hello Kitty Tattoo – Wow.

48. Darth Vader Cat – A cat dressed as Darth Vader. Our first thought was, who would dress their cat up like this. Then we thought, cats are so weird, they’d probably do it themselves just to screw with us.

49. Darth Vader Cookies – Nom Nom Nom

50. Darth Vader Hot Air Balloon – The original plans for the Death Star weren’t nearly as intimidating.

The 15 Most Ridiculous James Bond Gadgets

Quantum of Solace comes out tonight, and you bet your ass we’re gonna be there. Maybe you will be too. Maybe we’ll see you there.

Anyway, in honor of the new Bond movie, we’re gonna count down the…

Top 15 Most Ridiculous James Bond Gadgets!

These gadgets make the list because they meet at least one of the following requirements.

1.) They have funny sounding names.

2.) They look funny.

3.) They are impossible in real life.

4.) They are very possible in real life, and thus boring.

5.) Because we said so.


#15 – Self-Destruction Bag as seen in the movie Dr. No

Okay, so the idea is that the bag will destroy itself and the secret documents it holds. But, is it really a good idea to send a bag like that to the airport?

#14 – X-Ray Document Scanner as seen in the movie Golden Eye

Yeah, that’s a Tea Tray, and that’s what Q disguised this X-Ray scanner as. Sounds convenient huh? “What’s that you have there under your coat James?” And besides that, what document needs to be x-rayed? Do documents have bones?

#13- Signature Camera Gun as seen in the movie License To Kill

This item makes the list because of it’s silly rules of operation. It only shoots for the person that it’s programed to shoot for via a sensor in the grip. Well, how did they test to see if it even worked, did James have to be there through all of the test phases? What if his hands were dirty and the sensor couldn’t tell it was him? That could get a little frustrating.

#12 – Revolving Sofa as seen in the movie The Living Daylights

Never actually used by James Bond, but it was tested by Mi6 to “eat” people that sat on it. Furniture with a mouth.

#11 – Credit Card Lock Opener as seen in the movie A View To Kill

This has to be the least inventive gadget ever. A credit card used to open a lock. Right… you call the locksmith, give him your credit card for payment, and he unlocks the door. Nice.

#10 – The Pager as seen in the movie From Russia With Love

You have to give the folks at Mi6 a break on this one considering how long ago the movie was made (1963). But, seriously, even by the standards around back then… was a pager all that impressive? People in the 60’s were flying to the moon for goodness sake.

#9 – Underwater Jetpack as seen in the movie Thunderball

Sure, the underwater rocket pack sounds awesome. Right up until you realize just how cumbersome this would be to move around. You can just picture Bond trying to wheel this thing down to the beach on a dolly or in the back of his vehicle only to get stuck and totally pissed.

#8 – Mini Rocket Cigarette as seen in the movie You Only Live Twice

The problem with this gadget is the what if factor. What if you happened to light the wrong one?

#7 – Pocket Snap Trap as seen in the movie Diamonds Are Forever

The idea behind this gadget is that if someone tried to pick your pocket, they’d get their fingers snapped. How many times did James Bond come into headquarters with his wallet missing before they designed this?

#6 – Clothing Brush Communicator as seen in the movie Live And Let Die

Seriously, what the hell? Who even has one of these. It doesn’t matter if you can call people with it. Actually, I think my Grandpa had one. So, Grandpa and James Bond carry lint brushes.Go Grandpa.

#5 – Grappling Suspenders as seen in the movie For Your Eyes Only

Nothing says secret agent like suspenders. Just ask some of our favorite secret agents, Balki from Perfect Strangers and Urkel from Family Matters.

#4 – Bag Pipe Flamethrower as seen in the movie The World Is Not Enough

There really isn’t anything in the world less intimidating than a bagpipe even if it does spout flames and bullets. Truth be told, music played by it is okay if accompanied by guitars, fiddles, drums, etc. But, by itself…

#3 – Crocodile Submarine as seen in the movie Octopussy

Well, this just sounds like a terrible idea all the way around. The “boat” is a fiberglass shell covered in “actual crocodile skin” that one person can tool around in. Bond used it to disguise himself while crossing a moat filled with crocs. Sounds nice, right up until…

#2 – Wetsuit with a Rubber Duckie as seen in the movie Goldfinger

This has to rank right up there with one of the stupidest ideas anyone has ever come up with for anything at all… ever. It was a rubber suit, with a rubber duck on it’s head. Helpful for getting around… if you’re trying ot sneak around in a BATHTUB!

#1 – Fake Nipple as seen in the movie The Man With The Golden Gun

We’ll admit that we’ve never seen this movie. But, why does Bond need a 3rd nipple? And how is that considered a gadget? What’s next, a belly button that opens beers?


That does it! Tell us about the gadgets you do and don’t like in the Comments Section.

10 Of The Most Bizarre Bible Verses Ever

The Bible is crazy weird sometimes. No doubt about it. These verses… they make me wanna curl up in a ball and cry they’re so bizarre.


#1 – Psalm 137:9

“Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”

Whoa! Seriously, happy about throwing your kids around? Maybe a little too harsh a punishment for not eating your vegetables.


#2 – 2 Kings 18:27

“But Rabshakeh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? Hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?”

This guy was hardcore like Bear Grylls, suggesting that dining on poop and pee would be an enjoyable pastime.


#3 – Deuteronomy 21:18-21

“If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.”

A very hardcore look at parenting. Obviously they didn’t believe in “time outs” in Bible times.


#4 – Mark 14:51-52

“A young man was following Him, wearing nothing but a linen sheet over his naked body; and they seized him. But he pulled free of the linen sheet and escaped naked.”

History’s first recorded streaker perhaps?


#5 – Ezekiel 16:17

“You also took the fine jewelry I gave you, the jewelry made of my gold and silver, and you made for yourself male idols and engaged in prostitution with them.”

Obviously this was one of the less attractive relationships available, but, “better than being alone” some might argue.


#6 – Judges 3:19-24

But he himself turned back at the idols near Gilgal and said, ‘I have a secret message for you, O king.’ And he commanded, ‘Silence.’ And all his attendants went out from his presence. And Ehud came to him as he was sitting alone in his cool roof chamber. And Ehud said, ‘I have a message from God for you.’ And he arose from his seat. And Ehud reached with his left hand, took the sword from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly. And the hilt also went in after the blade, and the fat closed over the blade, for he did not pull the sword out of his belly; and the dung came out. Then Ehud went out into the porch and closed the doors of the roof chamber behind him and locked them. When he had gone, the servants came, and when they saw that the doors of the roof chamber were locked, they thought, ‘Surely he is relieving himself in the closet of the cool chamber.’

Seriously, what? So, there’s a fat guy, and he gets stabbed, and he’s got poo coming out of his back, and the guards just assume that… you know what, nevermind.


#7 – Deuteronomy 23:1

No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

Scary for anyone that has ever A.) been kicked in the balls, B.) racked themselves, or C.) forgot their cup during the big game.

#8 – 1 Samuel 18:25-27

Then Saul said, “Thus shall you say to David, ‘The king desires no bride-price except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king’s enemies.’” Now Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines. And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king’s son-in-law. Before the time had expired, David arose and went, along with his men, and killed two hundred of the Philistines. And David brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king’s son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife.

So, apparently long before Saturday Night Live, King David had done the “Dick in a box” trick.


#9 -Numbers 11:18

“And tell the people to purify themselves, for tomorrow they will have meat to eat. Tell them, ‘The LORD has heard your whining and complaints: ‘If only we had meat to eat! Surely we were better off in Egypt!’ Now the LORD will give you meat, and you will have to eat it. And it won’t be for just a day or two, or for five or ten or even twenty. You will eat it for a whole month until you gag and are sick of it. For you have rejected the LORD, who is here among you, and you have complained to him, ‘Why did we ever leave Egypt?’

Sure, at first you think. No biggie. I love steak. We love steak too. What about a baked potato? That sound nice too? TOO BAD, JUST MEAT FOR YOU!


#10 – Ezekial 23:19-20

Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions.

Oh my.


Have any bizarre Bible verses you’d like to share? We know the Bible is full of them. Post your ideas in the Comments Section and we’ll add them to the list!

The 50 Most Unique Representations Of Darth Vader

Darth Vader is Anakin Skywalker; the Republic’s Only Hope; Luke’s Father; the Emperor’s Apprentice; and One of the Most Recognizable Characters in all of Pop Culture.

Darth Vader made us appreciate the power of the force, and gave us reason to cheer on the good guys. He made us sad when we saw how he came to be, and angry at how people pretend to be him at Halloween.

Darth Vader is an icon. And it’s apparent by the massive amounts of toys, posters, art, figurines, videos, and more that people make/build/design of him. However, some people get it all wrong.

Some are cute, some are funny, some are cool, and some are just plain wrong. In no particular order, here’s the The 50 Most Unique Representations Of Darth Vader to show how much the world “appreciates” and “respects” him. Enjoy!


1. Giant Darth Vader Inflatable – The coolest bouncy castle in the world.

2. Darth Vader Mug – Darth takes his coffee black.

3. Darth Vader USB Port – Every Sith Lord should have one on his PC.

4. Darth Vader Back Pack – The best part is the kid’s hat, it reads “Comic Images Security.”

5. Darth Vader from Family Guy – Nothing is more depressing then seeing the guy who killed Obi Wan working as a meter maid.

6. Darth Vader Mosaic – Art at it’s finest.

7. Darth Vader Flashlight – Use the force… and by force, we mean that flashlight.

8. Darth Vader Dog – This actually looks like a cross between Vader and Yoda.

9. Darth Vader Clock – If you look close enough, you can see one of these in that medical ball Vader uses as a bedroom.

10. Darth Vader Cuff Links – Perfect for weddings, proms, and business meetings.

11. Darth Vader Watch – What time is it? Time to turn to the dark side.

12. Darth Vader Flash Drive – Perfect for use with your Vader USB Port.

13. Darth Vader “Sith Happens” – Truer words have never been spoken.

14. Darth Vader Botanical Garden – Little known fact, Vader loves to garden.

15. Darth Vader Duckie – Vader Duckie you’re the one, that makes bath time so much fun.

16. Darth Vader Painting – Depiction of Vader conquering Europe in the 1700’s.

17. Darth Vader Pez – The best part, it dispenses little X-Wing candies… nah, we’re kidding.

18. Darth Vader Burger King Mascot – Advertising inflatable from Burger King, does anyone else think his hands look like the Swedish Chef’s?

19. Darth Vader Laptop – For controlling the Death Star from home… also for downloading porn.

20. Darth Vader Transformer – Vadertron is watching you download porn on your Vader Laptop 2000.

21. Darth Vader Hologram Bobble Head – Better than the regular bobble head, it’s blue!

22. Darth Vader Slippers – It gets cold on the Death Star, these go perfect with a warm cup of cocoa.

23. Darth Vader Steampunk – With a lightsaber made of steam and a monocle?

24. Darth Vader Girly Edition – Scrapped from the original film…

25. Darth Vader “Who’s Your Daddy?” – Standard issue garb in the Death Star’s Orphanage.

26. Darth Vader Step Art – Art on a step… only question is what building approved this?

27. Darth Vader Stackable Art – Looks kinda like a Darth themed Chia head.

28. Darth Vader Nutcracker – Your mom would love this sitting on her mantle, trust us.

29. Darth Vader Samurai – Badass is it not?

30. Darth Vader Lego Man – Star of Lego Star Wars, where was this playset when we were kids?!?!

31. Darth Vader built from Legos – Once again, where was this playset when we were kids?!?!

32. Darth Vader Cupcakes – Made for some lucky kid’s birthday party… just kidding, he was 32!

33. Darth Vader Bear Hybrid – Canadians love two things, polar bears and Vader… this is the freak child of both loves.

34. Darth Tater – The single greatest potato themed toy ever.

35. Darth Vader Gargoyle – Very real and from the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

36. Darth Vader Ornament – Christmas themed Vader, once again… remember your mom this holiday season.

37. Darth Vader Fridge Magnet – Vader is fine… but that Tigger looks like he has a belly ache.

39. Darth Vader Fiddler – Swing your partner round and round… wait, WTF?!?! Vader playing a fiddle?

40. Darth Vader Butter Statue – Mmmmm. Butter.

41. Darth Vader Battles A Unicorn – Epic.

42. Darth Vader Surfer – Let’s go surfing now, every Vader’s learning how…

43. Darth Vader Builds A SnowDeathStar – The cutest thing you’ll see this Christmas.

44. Darth Vader Sand Sculpture – Umm… why is Yoda sitting on his lap? And why is he using R2D2 to rest his arm? And why does he have a blanket over his legs? So many questions…

45. Darth Vader Pumpkin – The sad thing is, this will eventually rot away… such a loss.

46. Darth Vader Lamp – Perfect to read your “Chicken Soup for the Sith Soul” book by.

47. Darth vader/Hello Kitty Tattoo – Wow.

48. Darth Vader Cat – A cat dressed as Darth Vader. Our first thought was, who would dress their cat up like this. Then we thought, cats are so weird, they’d probably do it themselves just to screw with us.

49. Darth Vader Cookies – Nom Nom Nom

50. Darth Vader Hot Air Balloon – The original plans for the Death Star weren’t nearly as intimidating.

5 People Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

Don’t let people fool you, everyone in the world is looking for someone to love, and to be loved by. It’s ingrained in the human psyche to long for affection, comfort, respect, and affirmation. Sometimes that desire is so strong, people are willing to attach themselves to inanimate objects, a trait called Objectophilia. Johnny Lee’s song “Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places” is all about the troubles and heartaches involved in finding the right person to love. We’re pretty sure these people were the inspiration of every damn word that Johnny sang.

It’s the Top 5 People Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places!


The Lover: Erika La Tour Eiffel

The Loved: The Eiffel Tower

Erika is a former soldier who lives in San Francisco, California. Being a woman who suffered assorted trauma as a child, she grew up unable to form lasting, loving relationships with other humans. This might make you feel sorry for Erika, but don’t. She’s quite content with her love life, and has probably had more relationships than you. Her first love was named Lance, a bow. No, not boy… bow. As in archery. As in, not Robin Hood, but his trusty ash bow and arrows. As in, this lady liked archery so much that she fell in love with the bow that helped her become a world class archer. Young love is short and sweet, and Erika eventually moved on to a relationship with the Berlin Wall, and has also carried on a long term physical relationship with a piece of fence she keeps in her bedroom. We’re not sure what kind of fence, and we don’t want to imagine.

She now only has eyes for the Eiffel Tower and even legally changed her last name to make the union official in the eyes of the court. The crazy court. This most recent foray took her half way across the world to Paris, France where she joined the Parisian landmark in Holy Matrimony on June 4th, 2008. Though the ceremony lacked much of the pomp and circumstance that is popular at a regular wedding, it was attended by 12 of Erika’s closest friends, 20 pigeons, and about 500 other people that just happened to be climbing around on her beloved tower.


The Lover: Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer

The Loved: The Berlin Wall

Eija has spent much of her adult life in a relationship she developed as a child of 7. The object of her desire was spotted on television in her parent’s house back in 1961, and she knew it was meant to be. She was going to being Mrs. Berlin Wall. The wall was constructed by the Soviets and immediately caught Eija’s eye, due to the way the wall was built. “I find long, slim things with horizontal lines very sexy,” she’s quoted as saying. If that’s the case…

Mrs. Berliner-Mauer, which is German for Mrs. Berlin Wall, lives in Northern Sweden, married the wall on her 6th visit to it. Her ceremony was simple, and shared by a few close friends. When asked if there’s any other walls she finds good looking? She said “”The Great Wall of China’s attractive, but he’s too thick – my husband is sexier.” This just goes to show you, that everyone, even Objectophiliacs are more into looks than personality. The Great Wall is a nice guy, so what if he’s a little “thick.” As if to confirm our theory, after the Berlin Wall was “torn down”, Eijn complained that they had mutilated her husband and has since started up a relationship with a nearby yard fence. Really, another fence?


The Lover: Joachim A.

The Loved:  A Steam Locomotive

Though Joachim A. hasn’t taken the plunge and married his Steam Locomotive. He’s been pretty faithful to it for the past few years. You see, guys just have a harder time settling down. And with good reason, Joachim says “We’re by no means just straightforward fetishists” referring to himself and other like minded Object Lovers. With people attuned to objectophilia, it’s not about having nice things so you can score with chicks. It’s all about having nice things so you can score with the nice things. Like a sweet sports car.

Joachim, 41, was only 12 when he realized that he was different. He fell head over heels “into an emotionally and physically very complex and deep relationship, which lasted for years” with a freaking pipe organ. Sure, most 12 year olds are liable to hump just about anything being that they are at the peek of puberty. But, whereas most young men are flipping through a J.C. Penny’s catalog to look at the bra section, Joachim got his rocks off from the technical workings of machines. Kind of how a woman can get off with a vibrator, only not even remotely arousing to watch.


The Lover: Taichi Takashita

The Loved: A Comic Book

Who hasn’t fallen in love with a character in a book or magazine? i know plenty of guys who have spent quality time with a Playboy magazine in a room with a locked door. The thing is, those relationships only last a couple of minutes. For Taichi Takashita, it’s a more long-term relationship that he’s after. On his website, he has written, “I am no longer interested in three dimensions. I would even like to become a resident of the two-dimensional world.” Takashita, is looking to hook up with a comic book. In Japan, it is illegal for anyone to marry anyone or anything other than a member of the opposite sex, but,  Taichi is out to change that. And you know what, he might just be on to something…

He has started a website that he is using to petition the government to change their laws. He needs 1 Million signatures to even draw any attention, so far he has one thousand. But that’s only after a week. If he keeps his current pace, he’ll have reached his goal in a little over 19 years. So, don’t hold your breath. Japanese comics, or manga are beloved by young and old alike, and some often take that love to extremes. Even current Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso recently complained to the media because he has been “too busy” to enjoy his comics.


The Lover: Ulli Hopper

The Loved: A Pineapple

By far the “sweetest” relationship on our list is one that only happened on a whim. Ulli Hopper, better known as German Pop Star Ramma Damma picked up his bride for around $16 dollars 38 years ago, and married her in Scotland. Tippi, the pineapple, and Hopper honeymooned in Gretna Green. Gretna Green is a town on the West Coast of Scotland, and was home to one of the original folk stories of a person marrying an inanimate object. There, according to legend, a local blacksmith wed his anvil. The town, along with all of Scotland, was, in the past at least, wide open to “irregular marriages.” Being a haven of sorts, not unlike Las Vegas in the United States, for those who wished to get married when they shouldn’t. Kind of like both of Britney Spear’s weddings.

In his hometown of Munich, Ulli Hopper is a conservationist known as the Green Rebel, the only Rebel less intimidating than the Yellow Rebel that refuses to eat mustard, lemons, squash, and bananas. In Germany, he runs the nation’s only plant sanctuary, home to over 300 plants. He’s completely self sufficient, growing his own food and brewing his own Plum Cider. I guess you would need to be pretty self sufficient if your wife was a pineapple and probably rotted away a couple months after you got married.


If you’ve been inspired (and by “inspired” we mean, made you laugh) to try a relationship with an inanimate object, say your Nintendo Wii or your favorite flavor of Fruit By The Foot, this website actually offers advice on how to go about your relationship. Who knows, it might even work out better than the last trainwreck you called a date.

Also, for some more fun, be sure to check out on BBC Men in love with life sized dolls.